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Her Lies Are Non Stop & MSNBC allows It

1.6 million Arab Israeli citizens. There is no effort to check clear statistics. Is the media a co-conspirator? 5 minute response to...

Rashida Tlaib's Lies About Israel

Congresswoman Tlaib is more focused on lying about Israel than representing her constituents. Bryan dissects her latest comments. 3 min...

The Opioid Crisis Continues To Take Lives

Ensnaring those aged 25-44. Shermichael shares a dark analysis of the opioid crisis. 2 min listen. Shermichael Singleton, Political...

It's A New Day In Chicago!

New leadership takes over in Chicago. Patti shares an optimistic outlook for the city’s new regime. “A mayor who gets us”. 3 min listen....

Russia Collusion Clown Show

“In plain sight” turned out to be totally false. Will Schiff and Swalwell walk back their years long Trump Russia collusion story? 4...

Lesson Of The Turkish Election

Recent leadership and statistics explain how we got to a runoff in Turkey. Shikha explains. 4 min listen. Shikha Dalmia, Founder and...

More Kids Skipping School

More kids are skipping school post-pandemic, and we are going to pay a terrible price. How can this trend be halted? 3 min listen. Scott...

A Good Night For Totalitarism

The biggest takeaway of all is not being widely reported. Scott explains the initial results of the election in Turkey. 3 min listen....

Student Debt Cancellation Seems Ironic

We should pay all our debts…but not student loans? Mitch calls out striking irony. 3 min listen. Mitch Roschelle, Media Commentator /...

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