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  • Writer's pictureMELISSA MACKENZIE

No Joe Isnt Right About GOP Budget Cuts

President Biden penned an op-ed in the New York Times discussing the economics of MAGA Republicans.

Melissa dismantles his claims, but also points the finger at both parties.

4 minute Clip.

Melissa Mackenzie, Publisher, The American Spectator

*The Audio Op-Ed Page of Political Commentary. Hear the rest of the Clip above, or in the CenterClip App*

Climate Change Is THE Issue

There isn’t going to be an economy, or any health to improve, if civilization ceases to exist. Ted on the Topic of the Day, Climate Change. 3 min listen. Ted Rall, Left/progressive political cartoonis

What Is Really Important Voters

What issues are Americans saying they are most focused on? Where did climate change land on the list? 5 min listen. Mitch Roschelle, Media Commentator / Macro Strategist / Podcaster / Public Speaker o

The Left’s Virtual Signaling On Climate Change

Virtue signaling is not working. Marc outlines unrealistic solutions to a legitimate problem. 3 min listen. Marc Lotter, Former Special Assistant to the President, Press Secretary to the Vice Preside

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