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Writer's pictureMITCH ROSCHELLE

Maybe everybody pays some property taxes

“These are incredibly profitable enterprises.”

Picking sides ends up creating loopholes. Mitch discusses the danger to picking which non-profits should pay property tax, and which should not.

This Clip was in response to Zack CZ and Ted Rall. Hear the entire conversation in the App!

Mitch Roschelle, Founding Partner Macro Trends Advisors LLC, Visiting Research Fellow University of San Diego School of Business, Co-Host The NoPo Podcast 

*The Audio Op-Ed Page of Political Commentary. Hear the rest of the Clip above, or in the CenterClip App*

What About Truly Nonprofit Land?

“All they are trying to do is protect the land. Would you make an exception?” Ted breaks down how non-profits, such as the Peconic Land...


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