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CenterClip is a trusted B2B SaaS company connecting our extensive team of national contributors with media outlets and advocacy groups in need of original content. 

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How We Work

Organizations are looking to trim production costs and delays while increasing quality content offerings. On the other hand, independent contributors with nationally-established brands are looking for more efficient opportunities to gain audience, monetize their content, and reach niche markets. CenterClip's technology-enabled content solutions solve these challenges.


Topic of the Day

If you don’t like what’s being said, host your own conversation. A variety of leading perspectives on a topic that is chosen by CenterClip or the client.  Media is formatted as audio and includes transcription, images, and responses from our professional contributors. One topic, leaders on both sides, always under five minutes in real-time.


Daily new opinion commentary on current events from our contributors.  Media is formatted as audio and includes written transcription.  Listen to contributors on both sides react in real-time to current events.

AI-Supported Podcast Solutions

Combining our original commentary with AI-enhanced technology, we can increase your audio catalog’s offerings.


Using our streaming capabilities, we are able to effectively produce live or pre-recorded debates. High quality solutions without the traditional resources required to host online events.


The CenterStage solution allows your team’s contributors to use our proprietary technology to assign, create, and distribute their content on a real-time basis. The benefits of thought leadership without the traditional headwinds of managing a content portfolio.


Leveraging our content library and technology solutions (including AI and transcriptions), we efficiently produce email newsletters for your unique audience.

AI Transcription

Convert your text to AI-powered audio or your video or audio to text content with CenterClip's AI. 

Custom Web Player

Our streaming service works on all platforms and is fully customizable for your organization. With this web player embedded on your website, streamline the process between content creation and consumption. 

If your organization is interested in utilizing CenterClip’s contributor relationships, content catalog, or technology solutions, please contact us.

Thanks for contacting us!


Elevate Discourse


Download the CenterClip app for instant access to the latest political commentary. The best moments, always enlightening, delivered in real time.

Get it on Google Play
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